Finally, mankind would be rescued from the grip and lies of Satan! This awakening
in the night would lead them to a Lamb that would be led to the slaughter. This
awakening in their hearts would lead to salvation that would later be purchased
on a cross. Humanity would now know that God so loved the world that He gave His
SON! Old Testament prophecy would finally be fulfilled! The Prophet Micah had
told us it would happen in a tiny town called Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)! The
Prophet Isaiah had told us that a virgin would give birth and we would call him
Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14)! God had used 23,145 verses that comprise the 39 books
in the Old Testament that would lead to the crescendo of angels giving the
first altar call! It was the ultimate “O’ Come, all ye Faithful” moment that
would lead to me being able to experience my “On bended knee I come!”
transformation. Friends, dare we believe that Christmas is only about Santa,
the elves, wrapped presents and hot cocoa! No! Christmas is about the beginning
of all that we hold dear! It was the beginning of the tearing of the veil that
kept us from relationship with God! Favor could now rest on the meek and lowly!
Our restoration now lay in a shanty, a lean-too, a feeding trough so that we
could now be temples of the Holy Ghost! Hallelujah to the Lamb! As you can see
this first altar call was not an interruption of a “well-produced” one hour and
ten-minute service that would not scare off the seeker, but rather a place
where the seeker could find hope, restoration and freedom. This first altar
call would alter all of humanity! There were not naysayers, scoffers, mockers
or religious zealots invited so that they could use their “hipster” theology to
explain away the divinity! No just humble and dirty men whom were awakened by
messengers of light!
This encounter should awaken us all to the fact that no matter how many
times we have fallen away, been wounded or left without hope God gave us a way
to salvation! As the angels allowed their worship to spill over into Earth’s
atmosphere that glorious night….
This opening of the sky would lead to the renting of a veil (Matthew
This child wrapped in swaddling clothes (candle wick) would someday lead
to a savior naked before mankind (Matthew 27:28-30) whom would set the world
ablaze. The cry of a baby lamb would someday lead to roar of a mighty lion
(Luke 23:24). This innocent little gift from heaven would become my doorway to
God (Hebrews 10:20)! The Saints of Heaven were now robbed of glory so that you
and I could now experience Him in our neighborhoods!
We must use this season to boldly approach the throne! Do not allow man
or minions to keep you from the place the shepherds once beheld. The altar is
open! Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us then approach
God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find
grace to help us in our time of need.” The
church must rebuild the altar! Have we now come to a place where doughnuts and
coffee are more important than what the lowly shepherds were commanded to do?
This is why I believe that leaders whom render the altar encounter a loss cause
are in direct correlation with today’s churches that desire to have community
over communion. We must desire to see God once again! Together we can restore
the altar so that all of humanity can hear, “Come
to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and
you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is
light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
My friends, we believe that this Christmas is the year where your family,
friends and community can be saved! We stand with you! Now more than ever we
must turn our trees into altars and our homes into sanctuaries. Dads, Moms,
Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles we implore you - do not let this season go to
waste. Give your family the gift of eternal salvation (1 John 5:13)!
Great Post.